Know Your Family History Class
Purpose: Provide a high level overview of the bible to help believers know the landscape of the Bible and those who have passed on before – biblical ancestors or family members.
- Provide an overview of the content of the Bible
- Discuss how the Bible was put together
- Overview the Bible timeline
- Discuss key events on the Bible timeline
Romans 15:4 For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide, we might have hope.
Resources from Class
Bible Events Timeline
Lifechart Span Before the Flood
Know Your Family History Lesson 1_Jan_18_2015
How and When was the Bible Put Together
World Religious History
Overview of the Bible Old and New Testament
Old Testament Timeline
Abraham’s Life Events
Old Testament Family – 11/29
Handout on Moses
Timeline Key Events – Creation to Promised Land
The Tabernacle of Moses
God’s Amazing Creation
Noah’s Ark Found