
Released Time Character Building (RTCB), is a non-denominational student ministry by the AIM Church. AIM Church is non-denominational and focused on teaching life-giving principles and character from the Word of God. No doctrine will be mentioned or taught to students. The focus of the entire program is building character that brings life to students: e.g., respect, kindness, diligence, etc.… AIM has all volunteer staff. Therefore, no-one is paid.

Character Building classes are allowed because of the Supreme Court ruling in 1952, and then the passing of Tennessee Law 49-2-130, in school year 2020-21. The ruling and law states that Released Time Bible Education is legal and allowed, provided that the following 3 requirements are met:

  • Classes are held off school campus
  • The students have parental permission
  • Released Time programs are privately funded

Off-site public-school Character-Building programs have been in effect for over forty years. Building character in students has great impact on the classroom, the family, and overall society.  Program Evaluation and Outcomes data available by the National Council on Crime and Delinquency can be found here.