The Way of Escape!
Many are the challenges of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all. Psalm 34:19
Challenges will come as you walk out God’s plan in your life. Be encouraged, because Jesus faced the same challenges and temptations and did not sin (Hebrews 4:15). 1 Corinthians 10:13b says that “God will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able and with the temptations, God will make THE way of escape.” If you are walking in obedience to God’s Word and the leading of Holy Spirit, you will be able to get out of every situation you face. If you read the scripture closely you find that God makes THE way of escape not A way. When facing challenges, there are not multiple ways you can go in God’s plan for your life, there is 1 perfect way. As Psalm 34:19 says, the Lord will deliver you out of every challenge, but you must choose to use God’s escape plan and not your own.
Sometimes the least likely path is the one God leads you down. For example, say you are trapped in a room with 3 exit doors. Behind Door 1 is a deadly assassin. Behind Door 2 is a giant lion that hasn’t eaten in 3 months. Behind Door 3 is a group of quarrelsome, bitter people. Which door would you choose? At first glance, most would say they would take their chances with the quarrelsome, bitter people. However, Proverbs 26:21 says a quarrelsome man kindles strife and Proverbs 14:30 says bitterness rots the bones. The wise choice would be Door 2. If the lion hasn’t eaten in 3 months, he is dead. How often do we make impulse decisions based on our flesh that are wrong? We must run to God and seek His counsel before jumping to conclusions. Most of the counsel sits in His Word. The way of escape can come in the form of blessing those who curse you and praying for those who spitefully use you (Luke 6:28), forgiving others (Ephesians 4:31-32), being thankful in everything (1 Thessalonians 5:18), etc. Seek the Lord and let Him deliver you out of all your challenges using His way of escape.