Pastor Joe’s devotion below was in the White House Connection Newspaper.
Believers Instructions Before Leaving Earth = BIBLE
Have you read your “living on earth instruction manual’? Most every item produced today has some type of simple instruction sheet or instruction manual associated with it. Simple toys at McDonalds have an instruction sheet telling parents/children how to put the toy together and use it appropriately. In many cases, it has a warnings section how not to use it. God in His Wisdom, knew that we would need an instruction manual. So we could learn and keep focused on how to appropriately live on this earth and yet prepare for eternity. However, if we do not read God’s instruction manual, we will miss the plan of God for our lives here on this earth and for eternity (Psalm 119:105, 119:130, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 10:11).
Food for thought: If you are not reading God’s instruction manual then you are reading the World’s manual. Everyone reads an instruction manual of some type: books, TV shows, daily news, social media, latest movies, latest surveys, talk shows, etc. What you are watching or reading may or may not be in line with God’s instruction manual. If it is not, then you will not be able to know what is of God and what is not, what is eternal and what is temporal (Isaiah 55:8-9, Psalm 25:9, John 14:21).
1 Peter 2:11 says that true Believers are “temporary residents and foreigners” in this land. As temporary residents, we need to know how to live here, but keep our eye on our eternal home as is stated in 2 Corinthians 5:1, For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down [that is, when we die and leave this earthly body], we will have a house in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands.
His Word is very clear on how we are to live on this earth, so that we can have peace in the midst of challenges (John 16:33), we can have confidence in the midst of fear (Proverbs 3:25-26, 2 Timothy 1:7), health and not sickness (Matthew 15:30, 1 Peter 2:24) and longevity of life versus man’s days cut short (Psalm 34:12-14). His Word is also clear what type of activities and thoughts bring life and those that bring death or destruction (Romans 8:6, Isaiah 26:3, Proverbs 14:30).
It is equally important to realize that you and I are going to give an account of all that we have done in this body upon this earth. Romans 14:12 says that each of us will give an account of ourselves to God, and 2 Corinthians 5:10 says that we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.
Recently, God, by His Holy Spirit, spoke to me and said to remind His Children of three things:
1) Heaven and Earth will pass away, but His Word will remain forever (Mark 13:31).
2) He knows the plans that He has for them, they are plans for good and not for evil, to give them a future and a hope so that their expectation will not be cut off (Jeremiah 29:11).
3) He is the Lord the God of all flesh and there is nothing too difficult for Him (Jeremiah 32:27).
#1 – In spite of all the things you see upon this earth, nothing is going to remain except the Word of God and your soul. Therefore, it is imperative that you know what God’s Word says about you living on this earth and what is going to happen when you leave this earth and stand before Him. The only way you can know that, is if you get into His Word (the Bible) daily and let Him teach you His ways (John 8:31-32, John 16:13, 1 Corinthians 2:12).
#2 – God has a plan for every man, woman, and child. That plan can only be discovered through His Word, it is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path (Psalm 119:105). His plan for your life will be revealed to you as you daily get into His Word, read it, and do what it says (Matthew 6:33, John 14:21, Proverbs 4:18, Psalm 25:9)
#3 – Realize, there is nothing impossible with God (Luke 1:37). So whatever you are facing; sickness, disease, terminal illness, death, financial challenges, marriage problems, etc., that nothing is too difficult for God. Matthew 19:26 says that Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Man and the world is limited, but when we turn to God He makes all things possible (Psalm 50:15, 1 Peter 5:7).
Make a decision today to commit your life to Him. Get into His instruction manual on a daily basis to find out what He expects of you as you live life on this earth. In addition to finding out what He expects of you, you will find out what He promises to do for you. You do have a benefit package as a Child of God (see Psalm 103, John 14:21, Psalm 34). He loves you and wants to reveal Himself to you!