If you missed our service on Thursday, 2/20 it is linked above. We covered scriptures on why bad things happen to good people. Hint, God is not the reason bad things happen, it is our choices (Deuteronomy 30:19). Real life testimonies were shared from John G. Lake and how the Lord gave him revelation that sickness and disease are not from God, but from the Devil. (Acts 10:38 and Luke 13:16) Not only are these things not from God, but Jesus came to destroy these things (Hebrews 2:14 and 1 John 3:8). Chad also shared a personal testimony of how he reaped destruction after not being obedient to the leading of the Spirit.
The scriptures that show the “Good” people of the Bible and the words that they were to obey along with their violation of those words are below. This is why bad things happened to them, it was not because of their righteousness, but because of their sin!