Our devotion below was in the Connection newspaper this week: https://www.robertsoncountyconnection.com/opinion/columnists/do-you-trust-your-daddy/article_6e27c682-d6fb-11e8-96f5-6b7e4ab1840f.html Do You Trust Your Daddy? Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Mark 10:14b Do you trust your Daddy? I am not talking about your natural […]
Location & Service Times
AIM Church
3301 Hwy 31W
White House, TN 37188
Sundays - 10:00 AM
Thursdays - 7:00 PM
3301 Hwy 31W
White House, TN 37188
Sundays - 10:00 AM
Thursdays - 7:00 PM