3 John verse 2 says that God wishes above all things that we prosper, walk in health as our soul (mind, will, emotions) prospers. Exodus 23:25 says that if we agree with and walk with God (being obedient to His Word) that He will bless our food and water and take sickness and disease out of our midst. Matthew 12:15 says that Jesus healed all who came to Him who were ill. Acts 10:34 and Romans 2:11 says that God is no respecter of persons, and Hebrews 13:8 says that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. God has not changed, He desires that we are safe and sound as Jesus stated in John 3:17 (AMPC).
However, there are things that we must do to walk in God’s plan for salvation, healing, prosperity, victory, etc… Jesus told us in John 10:10, that the thief (Satan) has come to steal, kill and destroy, but He (Jesus) has come that we might have life and have it abundantly. He was letting us know that we would be in a battle to obtain the promises of God on this earth. He tells us in Matthew 11:12 that the Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force, by those who don’t give up (Galatians 6:7-9). John 3:8 says that Jesus came to destroy the works of the enemy. He has given us the knowledge and the tools to be able to accomplish that on this earth.
There are things that you must do to obtain the promises of God (your healing); you must seek Him through His Word (Matthew 6:33), you must obey what you learn from His Word (John 14:21), and you must take authority over the enemy (Luke 10:19). We are to exercise that authority to receive our healing and deliverance (Matt 16:19). To exercise the authority, we must use our tongues and declare it (Prov 18:21, Job 22:28). Romans 4:17 says that God calls those things that are not as though they were. You must declare that you are healed in Jesus name. If you have received a report of kidney failure, pray and declare that your kidneys are functioning just as God has designed them. Proverbs 12:6 says the mouth of the upright will deliver them. Amos 3:3 says that two can not walk together unless they are in agreement. When you speak and declare that your kidney’s are failing, you are walking in agreement with what Satan is trying to do in your life. When you declare your kidneys are healed, you are walking in agreement with God. Then He can work in your life.
Listen to the song below written by John Waller giving an example on how to take authority. Then listen to John Waller’s testimony on how he was delivered from depression by taking authority. God has given us authority over the enemy, but you must exercise that authority for it to be in operation (Luke 10:19).
The video below is John Waller, singer and writer of the song above, giving his testimony of battling depression for 20 years and how he overcame.