Having a personal relationship with the Father and knowing/obeying His Word ~ Psalm 25:14, Exodus 34:14, John 14:21
- Developing and equipping every believer to become a disciple ~ Matthew 28:18-20
- Being led by His Spirit and moving in the gifts of the Spirit to edify and build up the body ~ Romans 8:14, I Corinthians 12:1-11
- Worshipping in Spirit and Truth ~ John 4:23-24
- Building leaders to evangelize to the World ~ Matthew 28:18-20
- Setting captives free ~ Isaiah 61:1, Matthew 11:4-6
- Communicating openly and honestly ~ Titus 2:8, Proverbs 17:7, Matthew 12:36
- Restoring the uncompromised Word of God back into this world ~ Habakkuk 2:14